Información de nuestra empresa
Fuyang Sen West Trade Co.
Anhuisen Mercy Medical Supplies Co.
Dirección: ciudad comercial de Linyi, Camp Springs 618d - 01;
Fuyang Ciudad, Provincia de Anhui (China).
Skype: optimista 1893
Hablamos: kvn601.
Correo electrónico:Kvn.liu @ nbsp;Info @ nbsp;
Https: / / /& b);
Teléfono móvil: + 86 - 182260769;
Producimos nuestra propia madre.
Podemos controlar la uniformidad de color, la densidad de color y producir colores estándar.
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La diferencia entre nuestro Corte y otras fábricas.
Our cutting is smooth,clean and in good order.
The bad quality one from the market.
Corte de cinta sin hilar
Our 2 cm non woven band cutting and packing is tight.
This one is not tight and easily loosen.
La diferencia entre mi fábrica y las demás no hiladas
Our packing PE wrap film and inner layer PE bag ,clean smooth and tight.
Some of the goods from other factory have no tight packing film and this will be easily loose and broken when transport.
Diferencias de materia prima
Our pp is from bigger supplier such as Sino-petro and Sino-Pec, Shanghai Secco.
Some factory use recycled pp or wasted fabric to produce recycled pp and use it in produce medical non woven fabric.
Nuestro paquete de aretes elásticos.
Our packing is cycloid packing treatment ,it will not happen tangled and mess problems.
This packing has no cycloid treatment, it will easily be get tangled and mess.
Productos de limpieza de suelos
Our production department ,clean , airiness. meet medical products request.
Some smaller factory has no borage paint floor, dirty production room.
Envoltorios y colores de nuestros pendientes.
Our packing is cycloid packing and this will not easily tangled and mess.
Smaller company has no such packing.